Copenhagen – Rigshospital has opened a new department in their North Wing to meet the influx of Covid-19 patients. A key part of giving these patients optimal care is providing x-ray imaging as soon as it is needed. Rigshospital has purchased three of Solutions for tomorrow’s !M1 mobile x-ray units to ensure around the clock x-ray availability. The units are already in use serving Covid-19 patients.

The new North Wing department was opened in addition to two existing Covid-19 care units. Driven by the exceptional situation, the new department was put into operation with great efficiency with the !M1 units serving patients almost two weeks ahead of schedule.

The units have given radiology staff the ability to bring x-ray imaging to the bedside of intensive care patients. There are now radiologists on duty around the clock, ready to roll out the !M1 and perform an x-ray at a moment’s notice.

The !M1 is the smallest mobile x-ray unit on the market and has an in-house developed battery that charges up to eight times faster than other units. As a long-time Solutions for tomorrow customer, Rigshospital had already experienced these benefits first-hand.

As Rigshospital is the most specialized hospital in Denmark and a key opinion leader when it comes to medical equipment, their trust means a great deal to the company.

Mattias Guldstrand, CEO, says:
Rigshospital is one of the most renowned and respected hospitals in Europe, that they would choose us to help serve these patients makes us feel like we’re doing something right.